About EURead
Founded in 2000, EURead is a consortium of European reading promotion organisations who believe that reading is a prerequisite for full participation in today’s media-led and culturally diverse society. The aim of this leading network is to exchange knowledge, experiences and concepts, and to jointly develop new strategies for the promotion of reading.
Official EURead Website 🡵
EURead Statement on Reading and Literacy 🡵
The Global Network for Bookgifting
Managed by EURead, a global network of early childhood programmes providing free books and reading guidance to promote shared reading. The goal of the network is to strengthen existing bookgifting programmes and help organisations install new ones.
The Researchers Network
EURead members who have a research department or direct links with scientific research, join forces in the EURead Researchers Network. They align research agenda’s and share research results and reports.
Anne Çocuk Eğitim Vakfı – ACEV (Türkiye)
Asociación Artística Sociocultural Mestiza (Spain)
Bonniers Familjestiftelse (Sweden)
BookTrust (United Kingdom)
Children’s Books Ireland (Ireland)
Detski Knigi Foundation (Bulgaria)
Diavazontas Megalono (Greece)
Federation of European Publishers (Belgium)
Foreningen !les (Norway)
Good Books (Poland)
HUNRA - Hungarian Reading Association (Hungary)
Idereen Leest (Belgium)
Kitabistan (Azerbaijan)
Libranda (Spain)
LitCam (Germany)
Lubimyczytać.pl (Poland)
Lukukeskus Läscentrum (Finland)
Martynas Mažvydas National Library (Lithuania)
Medienzentrum Ostbelgien (Belgium)
Nati per Leggere (Italy)
National Literacy Agency (Malta)
Österreichisches Bibliothekswerk (Austria)
Plano Nacional de Leitura (Portugal)
Chetene - Reading Foundation (Bulgaria)
Schweizerisches Institut für Kinder- und
Jugendmedien (Switzerland)
Scottish Book Trust (United Kingdom)
Stichting Lezen (The Netherlands)
Stiftung Lesen (Germany)
Svet Knihy (Czech Republic)
The Polish Book Institute (Poland)
Turkish Publishers Association (Türkiye)
Ukrainian Book Institute (Ukraine)
Universal Reading Foundation (Poland)
Was steht da? (Austria)